Ask God to Surprise You

20 Days of Believing God (Day 7) I just sent an email to my subscribers and suggested they plan a surprise for their spouse this weekend. Nothing elaborate. Just to be intentional about meeting each other’s needs. Surprising each other is a fun way to keep the mystery and excitement alive. Just when I think […]

What Does God Want?

20 Days of Believing God (Day 6) Last weekend, my right eye was watery and bloodshot. Then I felt a mild sore throat coming on. Then some congestion. And by Tuesday night, my eye was fine, but my throat was not. Mildly sore had become severely sore. I didn’t get much sleep that night and […]

14 Moments I Wish I Could Live Over

On the day before he died, I asked my dad if given the chance, what moment from his life he would live over. Without hesitation, he said, “The first time I kissed Sylvia.” Sylvia is my wonderful step-mom. As my youngest daughter gets ready to move to Germany in a couple weeks and my other […]

Is There a Key to Life?

Is there anything more frustrating than getting ready to go somewhere, but not being able to find your keys? You search and search and search, but can’t find them. You know it’s bad when you look in places you’ve already looked or in places you know they can’t possibly be. And have you ever looked […]

Shameless Persistence

I’ve been hanging out in Luke 11:1-13 the past few days. Jesus has been praying when one of His disciples asks Him to teach them how to pray like John taught his disciples. So Jesus teaches them what’s commonly referred to as “The Lord’s Prayer.” It would probably be more correct to call it “The […]

The Moment of Crisis: Freak Out or Faith?

How do you respond in a crisis? I don’t mean your first reaction. No one does well when the phone rings at 2:00 a.m. I’m talking about your second reaction. After you’ve had a little time to process. Do you panic? Feel overwhelmed? Worry? Get anxious? Are you filled with fear? Or dread? Or maybe […]

Your Thought Life

  What is the state of your mind today? What thoughts keep running through your head? Do you feel anxious? Worried? Fearful? Insecure? Inferior? Jealous? Guilty? Shameful? Discouraged? Are you telling yourself a good story about your life? Or are most of your thoughts negative and self-critical? Do you say things to yourself you’d never […]

Your Thought Life

SPECIAL NOTE: I’ve begun a free weekly newsletter in addition to blog posts on this site and my other site, My newsletter comes out on Wednesdays and provides more free content around marriage and parenting, as well as special offers on new products I’m releasing. I don’t want to assume you’re interested, so I […]