The Zombie-Like Christian Life

Let’s be honest. How would you describe your Christian life? Would you describe it as frustrating or fulfilling? Are you most often discouraged and defeated or joyful and hopeful? Do you feel like God is more disappointed or delighted in you? If the Christian life hasn’t been working so well, take a moment and read […]

Change Your Identity to Change Your Marriage

I love watching the Olympics. I especially love the winter games. Every event is fascinating to me. I’m in awe of anyone who can cross country ski 18 miles. Or ski down a mountain at 70 miles per hour. Or do a 1080 on a snowboard. Years of dedication and hard work go into competing […]

God’s View of Pleasure

What does God think about pleasure? How would you answer that? How would your friends or co-workers answer? I think many would tell us God is anti-pleasure. They might say God is mainly interested in having us follow His rules…rules that are meant to prohibit any sort of pleasure or fun. And that’s a tragedy, […]

The Tragedy of a Life Without Purpose

Why are you here? On earth, I mean. Why do you exist? If the atheist is right, then questions of meaning or purpose are irrelevant. If the universe exists purely by chance, then you and I have no purpose. Of course, we could each assign a purpose to our own lives, but there’s nothing beyond […]

50 Ways to Slowly Kill Your Marriage

Are you contributing to the health or death of your marriage? Would your spouse agree? Are you sure? Sadly, many husbands and wives have no idea they are slowly killing their marriages. And often they don’t find out until it’s too late. Most couples want a better marriage. They just don’t always act like it. […]

The Bait and Switch in Marriage

A man and a woman meet. They like each other and soon begin dating. There’s some real chemistry and things start to get serious. It’s not long before they’re talking about marriage. She’s attracted to him because he’s so attentive to her. He asks her questions and actually listens to her answers. She loves their […]

Secrets of a Thrilling and Fulfilling Marriage

When I was a kid, I loved watching C-SPAN. In particular, I loved watching the speeches on the floor of the House of Representatives. Yes, I know how geeky that sounds. One of the things the Representatives would always say is, “I reserve the right to revise and extend my remarks.” I take that to […]

The Worst Sin

What’s the worst sin you can think of? Murder? Rape? Abusing a child? Torture? Those are awful sins, but what if there’s a sin that leads to those sins? Wouldn’t that one be even worse? There is a sin that leads to those sins and every other sin. At first glance though, it doesn’t seem […]